health and fitness

2017 WDW Marathon Recap

I did it again, y’all! I finished the 2017 WDW Marathon! I have written this blog several times now because I just couldn’t figure out how I wanted to do my recap and then WordPress mysteriously ate it! The first time I’ve ever had that happen. It was almost as if something out there didn’t want me posting this recap…hmmm. I can’t let that happen, the recap will happen! The WDW marathon is my big race of the year and so many different things went through my mind during the marathon that I wanted my recap to include it all. It may be long but it has a few tidbits that may help if you are thinking about running the WDW Marathon.

2017 WDW Marathon Recap | My Hot Southern Mess


Monday Miles : Week 34

Happy Monday everyone! There are now 34 weeks until the WDW Marathon and I am sure that time is going to fly on by! As for my Monday Miles posts i’m not sure at this point how regular to be with posting as I have not started to officially train for the marathon.   Right now I am working more on getting myself ready for it and doing some self care.

MondayMiles - WEEK 34


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