~Items mentioned in this blog were provided free of charge by the company or PR agency. I have received compensation to provide my honest opinion.~
When you are a mom, one of your jobs is making sure your family is fed and that starts with breakfast. It is all too easy to just grab something quick and go but many times those options are not the healthiest. The freezer section is full of things from toaster pastries to pancake wrapped sausage on a stick but I wonder about how healthy those options actually are. I may be a hot mess but I worry about how my family is fueling their bodies and for us, eggs have been the egg-celent answer.
First and for most, I do not make any claims to being a nutritionist. I am just a mom with an active tween and teens that are always hungry. Seriously, I do not know where they put it all. The one thing I have learned over the years is protein helps you stay feeling full longer. To get my kids through to lunchtime at school, eggs have been an obvious choice for my family.
Nellie’s Free Range Eggs
When it comes to eggs, all eggs are not created equal. While picking up a carton of eggs is easy enough it wasn’t until my mom starting raising her own hens that I learned that free range eggs are different than your run of the mill grocery store eggs. They are so much better!
A hen that lives a humane, free-range and cage-free life produces a better quality egg than one that lives its life in a cage. These hens have also been exposed to exercise and a more varied diet that helps provide a better quality egg. An example of this is the eggs yolk. Typically, these eggs have a deeper yellow colored yolk. These things lead to a richer tasting eggs. When you use quality ingredients this leads to your food tasting better and when your food tastes good, your kids are more likely to eat it!
After trying the eggs my mom’s chickens produce it is hard to go back to “regular” eggs but we are not ready to raise our own chicks yet. We may live in an old farmhouse with chicken roots but you don’t just run out to your closest farm supply store and pick up some chicks. You have to resist that urge, no matter how cute the chicks are.
What you do instead is go to the grocery store and pick up some of Nellie’s Free Range Eggs. Nellie’s has 45 farms in 9 states that are humanely raising chicks that produce some delicious eggs. What makes Nellie’s even better is that they are a certified B corporation. This means that they are a business that, meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose (web).
Meal Prep Sunday
While popular with crossfitters and other fitness enthusiasts in our house, I meal prep on Sundays. While I don’t cook all of our meals for the week, I make sure I have breakfast and lunches for the week covered. It is one small thing I do to help our week run a little smoother. When I don’t it is chaos. In my prep, some sort of eggs are always involved. I have become a huge fan of making egg muffins and baked omelets. They are a quick and easy option that my family loves. Plus I can sneak in things like kale to up the nutrition factor and they don’t complain.
Right now one of their favorite oven omelets is a Gouda, Chicken Sausage and Kale Oven Omelet. It is the perfect fall time omelet. I use a chicken apple sausage and kale that is abundant in the fall and pair that with gouda cheese.
The recipe does have a couple of steps but they are pretty simple. You need to saute your veggies and cook your sausage before mixing into the egg mixture. Then all you have to do is let it bake.
After baking, allow to cool then portion and put together your meals. I like to add some fresh fruit to our prepped breakfasts.
Then you are done! Meals prepped for the week and a happy family.
Nellies Free Range Eggs and Meal Prep Sunday are a combination that goes together like peanut butter and jelly. Meal prepping with their eggs is a delicious way to stay on track with your nutrition goals, no matter what they may be.

Want to learn more about Nellie’s Free Range Eggs?
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The recipe for my Gouda, Chicken Sausage and Kale Oven Omelet is below:
- 12 Eggs
- 1 tablespoon Butter (your favorite cooking oil can be substituted)
- ½ cup Yellow Sweet Onion, diced
- ½ cup Red Bell Pepper
- 4 cloves Garlic, minced
- 2 cups Kale, chopped
- 16oz Apple Chicken
sausage, browned and cut into bite-size pieces - 1¼ cups Gouda Cheese, shredded
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1 teaspoon mustard powder
- 1 cup milk
- Preheat oven to 350. Grease 9x9 square baking pan.
- Using medium heat melt butter and saute onion, red bell pepper, and garlic until onions are translucent and peppers are soft. Add kale and cook until wilted. Set aside.
- In a bowl beat together eggs, drizzling in milk as you beat the eggs. Stir in salt, pepper, mustard powder, ¾ cup gouda cheese and then sausage and vegetable mixture.
- Pour egg mixture into your greased 9x9 baking pan. Top with remaining ½ cup gouda cheese
- Bake (uncovered) for 40-45 minutes, until eggs are set and a knife comes out clean.