I can say, without doubt, that I am most definitely a soup kind of person. There is just something about a nice, big bowl of homemade soup. My favorites change from time to time and I don’t love anyone soup more than another but right now I am really loving Southwestern Butternut Squash Soup.
Back at the end of September, I went on a foodie adventure with many of my Allrecipes Allstars friends to the Meredith Corporation headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa. Our time there was amazing! We did so many things in only a couple days and since it is Allrecipes we were fed really well. Many of the meals were Allrecipes recipes, while others came from local catering companies and restaurants. Our taste buds were in heaven!
For lunch the first day we were fed a choice of soups and salad. It was delicious and I fell in love with the catering companies butternut squash soup. It was just so good!
After I was home I kept craving the butternut squash soup. I searched through the recipes on Allrecipes and saved a few but none of them sounded like the recipe that we had eaten, so, I emailed the catering company and hoped for the best. To much happiness, they replied back! They didn’t just hand over the recipe though but they gave me a starting point to search for it.
The recipe they use was actually a pumpkin soup recipe. She just used butternut squash in the recipe instead of pumpkin and adjusted the rest of the recipe to her taste. I still needed the actual recipe so, I turned to Google. I searched the name of the recipe and magazine she told me and dug through the different pages. I changed the wording and eventually, I found a recipe that could be it. I made the recipe and was taken back to Iowa.
I have made the recipe several times since and just like the caterer, I have tweaked it along the way. It’s not too spicy or too sweet, it is just right. It makes me want to have a lunch party so I can invite others over so they can try it too. Then there is also a part of me that just wants to keep it to myself, not even sharing it with my husband and family. Yes, this soup is that good! Try if for yourself and let me know what you think!

- 6 cups chicken broth
- 2 cup whipping cream
- 1 butternut squash, roasted and mashed (approximately 4 cups)
- 6 tablespoons dark brown sugar
- 2 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon dried cilantro
- 1⁄4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
- Bring broth and whipping cream to boil in heavy medium pot.
- Whisk in mashed roasted butternut squash, brown sugar, cumin, chili powder, dried cilantro, and nutmeg.
- Reduce heat to medium and simmer until soup thickens slightly and flavors blend.
- Season to taste with salt and pepper.