Another Year is past us and it is on to a new year, Hello 2017! I really think the older you get the faster the years go by and if 2016 is any indication, this year will be half over before I know it. I guess that means getting my act together, making resolutions and all of that fun stuff. Who am I kidding, I don’t make resolutions. I am a self-confessed, hot mess, I don’t have time for all that silliness. Instead, 2017 will be my year of the big 4-0 and finding out what that means.
The cool thing to do before you turn 40 is to make a bucket list, who knew? I didn’t, so one night I tried to come up with a bucket list of things to do by the time I turn 40 and I failed. I couldn’t come up with a reasonable list. I’ve traveled all over the US, run a marathon and even zip-lined. Sure I could jump out of an airplane but I don’t have that desire, I’ll leave that to my husband, after all, it is his day job. I’d love to travel to Europe but financially it’s not going to happen unless I win the lottery. I was stumped and gave up the whole, silly bucket list idea and went back to realistic ideas.
So what am I going to do? I am going to start the year with a bang and run my second marathon in a week. Then later this month I am going to be having surgery on my arm and from there I’m just going to wing it like eyeliner. I will do my best to embrace whatever life sends my way in my own hot mess way and you can bet I will be sharing it here or on one of my social media channels.
So what can be expected in 2017? I have a few half marathons that I will be pacing in February, March, and June. I have a few other races that I’m interested in doing also but I have to see how my surgery recovery goes first. Depending on my recovery I am hoping to start lifting weights again. It’s been a year since I’ve been able to and I am looking forward to it. There may be some more weightloss along the way too. My endocrinologist wants me at weight I’ve never seen my entire adult life, heck not even in my teenage years. We will just have to see how that goes. I’m sure there will be criticism from some. I’ve had it at my current healthy weight. I’m sure there is a whole blog post in that topic right there.
In 2017, I will be cooking as much as I can. Even if it is one-handed. I will be experimenting with recipes, taking pictures and sharing them when they are successful. Heck, I’m known to share even the unsuccessful on Instagram.
Adventures will be had to destinations that are currently mostly unknown. I love to travel and explore new places. Sometimes it’s just hard to plan with this military life.
Speaking of military life, 2017 will be the last full year that I will be a military spouse. I’m not sure what happens in 2018 after my husband retires. I think that identifier just becomes a spouse of a veteran. I do know that I will continue to do what I do with Team RWB and advocating for our veterans.
My kids will continue on their own adventures. Living the life of teen boys and a tween girl. I will continue saying things like you listened better when you were two and wondering how they eat so much food. As much as they may drive me crazy I can say, my monsters are growing up and turning into some pretty awesome people. I love my crazy, little (big), family.
2017 will be fun and interesting. I am ready to get it going and see what comes my way. Plus, did I say i’m turning 40? I’m ready to make this a great year!
What are you looking forward to in 2017? What do you want to see on My Hot Southern Mess in 2017?