Hey y’all, It’s another week, Week 8 of training to be exact! Only 11 more to go until marathon day. Here is my late, Monday miles.
This week it was much of the same thing just a different day except I was having some knee pain. I couldn’t figure out what I had done because obviously going 17 miles wouldn’t have done it. Upon googling my symptoms and reflecting on my long run (and hip issues I was having) I am pretty sure I have been introduced to IT band problems. WHY?!?!?! Really this just means I need to work on strengthening my hip. Plus I need to find some new compression gear. The capri’s I wore last week were too big and the CW-X tights I had bought were returned because they were too small, go figure. Seriously I think my daughter could wear the CW-X! I am thinking of giving a different style CW-X a go but i’m unsure after being so disappointed. I really love my Moving Comfort shorts but Moving Comfort no longer makes them and well my shorts are on the well worn side. Runner Problems I guess. Finding gear you love, that works well for you and then the company stops making it.
On my long run I ended up in an old pair of Nike tights. I bought them at an outlet in New Jersey years ago but only really started wearing them in the last couple years. I have no clue what type they are but they are great. As great as they are though they couldn’t stop my hip from yelling at me during my long run as my miles added on. This weeks magic number was 18 and I reached it. Yay!
I set off for that paved trail I had forgotten my Garmin at a few weeks back. This time I had my Garmin but at that i’m not sure of how accurate it was. When I go out and run I always run the Road ID App, always. This App lets my husband know where I am and he checks on me quite a bit. Using this App came in handy when I got lost in the woods a few weeks back. He knew exactly where I was and could help me navigate. An added bonus to this app is that in addition to giving you a map of the route you took, it tells you how far you went, everything but your pace. It is awesome, one of my running must haves. Well anyways it said I went 18.5 miles and i’m kind of leaning with that. The trail is well marked and while my GPS started in line with the mile markers it kept getting further and further off.
I did it though. My only issue was around mile 15-16 I did stop and loosened my one shoe and stretched my hip. Once I stretched I was good to go to finish up. Again my pace was turtle pace but that is fine with me, for now. The pace will work for the WDW Marathon too.
I played with nutrition on my long run once again and I think I found something that will work. In addition to Gu’s, Nuun and water I tried a protein bar at the 10 mile mark. It tasted horrible but it did exactly what I needed. When I finished my run I felt good, no blood sugar issues and no calf issues. In fact I had to leave immediately to go pick up some Team RWB gear for a Zombie run that night and I was able to do so with no problems. I still ate my pickles just in case though but other than the usual post run tired legs and a bit of brain fog I was feeling good.
Things are coming along. I just need to add 8.2 more miles onto my distance. If I am able to continue with my plan, hopefully by December I will be there! Until next week everyone!